Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Transcript for Weekly Review 5-2 to 5-4

Hello welcome to the 5th edition of the Pagoda PBA Weekly Lesson Review podcast, brought to you by 41 Korea Trading, this is also 희경’s 2nd podcast. Let’s give her a very warm welcome. Say Hello 희경, (say hello), today we have a guest student, our associate producer 손미경, she will do the vocabulary review for us, Sit back, relax and enjoy.

미경의 Vocab Review

1. Focus Group – A product testing group based on target demographic.
Focus group-이 제품이 성공할지 안 할지를 미리 실험해 보는 대상
2. Survey – It is a questionnaire used to determine demographics.
인구분포도의 결정을 위한 질문
3. Plant – Another word for factory
공장을 다르게 부르는 말
4. Sample:
Noun: 그냥 sample
Verb: To test something
5. Questionnaire – another word for survey.
Survey 의 동의어
6. Statement – A monthly report from either the bank, credit card company stating monthly usage.
명세서- 한달 동안의 은행이나, 크레딧 카드 쓴 내역서
7. Dispute – To call into question. That means you disagree with something and you want to challenge it. To debate
논쟁- 다른 질문들을 던지거나, 어떤 의견에 대해서 반대하는 생각을 얘기하는 거
8. Charge – Purchase to be paid for later (you charge a credit card)
청구서-신용카드로 결제했을 때 후에 지불되는 용지
Thank you 미경 for doing an outstanding job, let’s all give our associate producer 미경 a hand (everybody applause).

Now we will do a sample dialogue in relationship to Focus Groups:
Focus group 이랑 관련된 기본 대화를 좀 볼께요
준: Please, take our survey.
경희: OK.
준: How many places did you shop before you made your purchase today?
경희: I researched 7 stores on the internet.
준: What made you purchase today?
경희: The available selection and price.
준: When do you think your next purchase will be?
경희: In about 2 to 3 months.
준: may I have your age please?
경희: I’m 29.
준: And what is your income level?
경희: About \34,000,000 per year.
준: thank you for taking our survey.
경희: You’re welcome.

As you heard in this survey, he asked how many stores the shopper shopped prior to purchase and when they plan to make the next purchase. They also wanted to know her age and income level so they can get a picture of product purchaser’s demographic.
- 이 조사에서 들으셨듯이, 이 사람이 얼마나 많은 store이 물건을 사기전에 shopper들이 알고 있는지 그리고 언제 그들이 다음 구매를 계획하는지에 대한 조사를 하고 있습니다. 또한 그들의 나이와 수익정도를 알아서 구매자들의 분포를 알게 됩니다.

We will also do a dialogue dealing with a Credit Card customer service representative.

경희: Thank you for calling Visa, this is 희경 speaking, how may I help you?
준: Yes, I want to dispute a charge on my current statement.
겅희: May I have the date and amount please.
준: I made a purchase on April 4th for \28,500.
겅희: Why do you want to dispute this charge?
준: I ordered the product 2 weeks ago and I still haven’t received it.
경희: Did you ask the seller for a refund.
준: Yes, he said, I have to call you.
경희: Please write us a letter requesting a credit on your account.
준: OK, thank you.

As you can see, credit cards offer buyer protection. A seller has 48 to 72 hours to ship his products to you. If the buyer does not meet this time frame and you don’t receive the products you can receive a credit for your account. You have anywhere from 60 to 180 days to dispute a charge on your statement.
- 신용카드는 소비자보호를 제공합니다. 판매자들은 48시간에서 72시간 정도의 deliver을 지켜야 하는데요, 만약 소비자들이 그 시간 안에 상품을 받지 못한다면 당신은 당신의 credit 을 다시 돌려 받으실 수 있습니다. 60일에서 180일 안에는 여러분은 언제든 청구서를 요구할 수 있습니다.

Now we will discuss how to write a letter to the credit card company to dispute a charge on your statement.

In your letter please follow a 4 step process.
1. Identify yourself, declare the amount, and the date product was purchased.
2. Please say the date and time and the name of the customer service representative you spoke with and the instructions he/she gave you.
3. Say what you purchased and how the seller did not perform the service or how the product was not delivered and state that you want a credit on your account.
4. Thank them.
희경 Translate
첫번 째는, 명확히 자기 자신을 얘기하시구요, amount와 물건 산 날짜를 명확히 하시구요,
두번 째로는 날짜, 시간, 그리고 여러분이 상담한 customer service representative 의 이름을 얘기하세요. 그리고 그 사람들이 준 지침도 같이 얘기하세요.
세번 째로는 여러분이 무엇을 샀는지, 그리고 판매자가 어떻게 물건을 팔았는지도 얘기하시구요 상품이 도착하지 않았기 때문에 그 돈을 다시 credit card로 돌려 달라고 하시면 되시구요 마지막으로는 간단히 인사정도 하시면 되세요.
Here’s an example of a letter:

Dear Sirs:

My name is John Holmes, I want to dispute a charge on my statement for the amount of $250.00 on April 12, 2006.

On April 12, 2006 on or about 4:30pm, I spoke with Jenna Jameson and she said I should write a letter to dispute the charge.

I purchased a special kit and they have not received the product after all this time. Please credit my account.

Thank you for your help.

1. name, purpose, amount and date.
2. date and time, which customer service rep you spoke to and their instructions.
3. Explain why you want the credit, what did the seller fail to do.
4. closing – thank them, please say only the facts,
일단 이 네가지 형식을 지키세요.
1. 이름, 목적, 액수, 그리고 날짜 를 얘기하시구요,
2. 여러분이 얘기하신 customer service rep가 말한 날짜와 시간 그리고 지침을 얘기하시구요
3. 왜 당신이 환불을 원하는지 그리고 판매자가 어떤 잘못을 했는지 설명하시구요
4. 그들에게 사실 만을 얘기하시고 고맙다는 인사를 하시면 되세요

Business tidbit of the week: Overseas investment –대외적 투자
Overseas direct investment from Korea reached $3.5 billion from January to March. Currently South Korea’s economy is the 12th largest in the world. President Roh’s goal is for Korea to become the top 10 largest economy in the world. I believe in order for Korea to reach this goal, we should keep the money in the country, instead of reaching out, we should reach within.

희경 please translate:
한국으로부터의 대외적인 직접적 투자는 1월부터 3월까지 3.5 billion 달러를 기록했습니다. 현재 한국의 경제는 세계에서 12번째입니다. 한국을 위한 노 대통령의 목표는 세계에서 top 10안에 드는 것입니다. 한국이 이 목표에 도달하기 위해서는 다른 나라에 의존하는 것 보다는 우리 스스로 재정적인 힘을 키우는 것이 더 좋은 방법입니다.

Now our business tip of the week: How to address people.
When you first meet somebody, it’s generally safe to say Mr or Ms their name. Once they ask you to call them by their first name please call them by their first name. Otherwise they will feel uncomfortable if you call them Mr. or Ms. Their last name or sir or ma’am.

누군가를 처음 만나셨을 때 Mr이나 Ms 라고 부르시는 것이 가장 좋구요, 일단 그들이 그들의 성으로 당신을 부르기를 원하다면 그들의 성 얘기하세요. 그렇지 않고 그들을 Mr. 이나 Ms라고 부르는 것을 좋아하지 않을 수 있습니다.

We hope you enjoyed your weekend. See you next week.

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