Your homework for tonight
Marketing IQ
1. Choose the advertising medium that influences the most local purchase decisions:
A. Local newspapersB. Local online adsC. Local televisionD. Local radio
2. This new advertising medium is the nation's second fastest growing (after the internet), is highly effective, extremely low cost, and is available in virtually every city and town. Is it:
A. Cable televisionB. Ads in supermarketsC. Cinema advertisingD. Ads on taxi tops
3. Multicultural marketing offers lucrative new product niches to entrepreneurs nationwide. Which minority or ethnic group has the greatest buying power, spends almost twice as much as the general population on clothing and accessories and tends to make buying decisions based on brand rather than price?
A. HispanicsB. BlacksC. Asian AmericansD. Arab Americans
4. Many entrepreneurs send permission-based e-mail marketing messages to in-house lists. When it comes to this marketing method, which of these is on the decline?
A. Conversion ratesB. Orders per e-mailC. Open ratesD. Bounce rates
5. Which of the following best describes cable TV advertising:
A. Production can cost between $500 and $1,200 per spot.B. It reaches narrowly defined audiences within special-interest programming.C. Time is sold by geographic zone.D. All of the above
6. Which direct-response medium has the highest average response rate?
A. Dimensional mailB. CatalogsC. E-mailD. Flat direct mail
7. Blogs are hot, and many offer superior advertising opportunities for entrepreneurs. Which of the following best describes the characteristics of the majority of blog readers?
A. Significantly likely to live in wealthier householdsB. Younger than the average internet userC. More likely to buy products or services onlineD. All of the above
8. When placing a print ad campaign, the term "frequency" applies to what?
A. The number of times your ad runsB. How often you change adsC. The number of times your target audience sees your adsD. The number of different publications that carry your ads
9. What percentage of consumers regularly or occasionally go online to conduct research before making an in-store purchase?
A. 40 percentB. 25 percentC. 75 percentD. None of the above
10. Ads on stadium snack-packs, posters in public restrooms and campus laundry rooms, advertising on golf course hospitality carts, and ads on the scoreboards of public tennis courts and swimming pools are all examples of:
A. Ambient marketingB. Place-based advertisingC. Outdoor advertisingD. Viral marketing
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