Monday, April 17, 2006

Today's Vocab

Hey guys, here's the vocab word for today

1. PR
Public Relations – To improve the image of a company, celebrity, person.
Example Sentences:
Who is Samsung’s public relations firm?
We took a public relations hit on this news, how can we fix it?

Example #1:
J: We have to find a new public relations firm for company, who do you recommend?
E: James gave us a referral for a good one. They recommend Hill and Knowlton.

Example #2:
J: Who handled the public relations for Baskins and Robbins?
E: I don’t know.

2. demographic – Statistical profile of a certain groups
Example Sentences:
a. What is the target demographic of your new product?
b. Our target demographic is high school boys and girls.

Example #1.
J: I see your new product is a low cost cosmetics, what’s your target demographic?
E: High school and college girls?

Example #2:
J: What is the average demographic of the BMW owner?
E: Mostly professional men and business owners from 35 to 44 years of age.

3. Concession – To give up something, to grant
ion = act of Verb ing
concede – give up, grant, therefore concession means – the act of giving up/granting something

Sentence #1:
Did Samsung give us any concessions in our last negotiations?
Who will give us the concessions in regards to the free shipping?

J: If we order now, will you give us a concession on the freight?
E: Sir/Ma’am: I’m sorry we can’t do that.
J: What about concession on quantity discount?E: We can give an additional 1% discount for orders over $50,000

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