Monday, April 24, 2006

Weekly Review 4-17 to 4-21 Audio Transcript

Vocab Review:

1. Public Relations: To improve the image of a company, person, celebrity, country. For example, a company improves its PR by donations, scholarships, volunteering.기업이나 국가 개인이 대외적인 이미지를 향상시키기 위해 하는 홍보. PR. 기부금이나 장학금, 또는 봉사활동을 통한 기업의 사회 환원 활동이 예.

Example sentences – To use this in a sentence, use the be or the give verb and an adjective.
Be 동사, give 동사, 또는 형용사와 함께 문장에서 사용. ▷ This is a bad PR move for Hyundai. ▷ This news gave Samsung very bad PR. ▷ The new scholarship fund by Hynix improved their PR.

2. Demographic – It is breaking down a group into sex, age and socio-economic status. For countries it would be population, per capita income (Korean people make the mistake of calling this the GNP)성별, 연령, 사회경제적 지위 등에 따른 인구 통계자료. 인구나 1인당 소득 등이 국가의 demographic이 됨.
Examples sentences – Use the be verb 95% of the times please.
거의 대부분의 경우 be 동사를 사용해서 문장을 만듭니다. ▷ What is the demographic for MTV? ▷ The demographic for MTV is teenager from 13 to 19 years old. ▷ What is the demographic for Korean cosmetics? ▷ The demographics for Koreana cosmetics are affluent women in their late 30’s to early 40’s.

3. Concession – To grant or give up something. 뭔가를 주거나 양보하는 것.
Example sentences – Use the get, receive, give verbs as a general rule of thumb for this word. Also remember that tion – sion words means The Act of (original verb) ing, for example the original verb for concession is concede, so concession means the act of conceding.

get, receive, give 동사를 주로 사용해서 문장을 만들면 됩니다. tion이나 sion으로 끝나는 동사의 명사형이 됩니다. concede의 명사형인 concession은 the act of conceding을 의미합니다.
▷ Will Hynix give us any concessions on a quantity discount?
▷ Did we receive the concessions we requested?
4. Quantity/Volume Discount – Receiving a lower price by buying higher quantity of products. 대량주문 시 가격할인.
Please use the ‘Have’ and ‘Receive’ and ‘Give’ verbs for this, as for the question format, use ‘Can we…?’ or ‘do you have…?’
have, receive, give 등의 동사 사용해서 Can we…? 또는 Do you have…?로 시작하는 의문문을 만드세요.
Example Sentences
▷ Do you have offer a quantity discount?
▷ Can we have a quantity discount?
▷ Did they give us a quantity discount_
5. Customs Clearance, To Clear Customs : 통관
6. Customs Broker : 관세사

Email Introduction:
If you remember for email introduction, always follow the following format if you are a buyer:
1. Name/Name of Company – Identify yourself.
2. State your purpose, e.g. what you want to buy.
3. Ask for information such as if they have a distributor already for country of import, minimum, terms.
4. Closing – Basically thanking them for their time and hope of doing business together.

Email Introduction
구매를 위한 첫번째 이메일을 작성하는 경우에, 다음과 같은 형식에 따르세요.
1. 이름과 회사명- 자신이 누구인지 밝힐 것.
2. 목적 기술- ex. 무엇을 사기를 원하는지.
3. 판매자나 유통업자가 이미 있는지, 최소 구매수량, 대금지급방법은 무엇인지 등에 대한 정보 요구.
4. 시간을 내준 것에 대에 대해 감사를 표하고, 앞으로의 거래가 있기를 바란다는 내용으로 끝맺음.

Hello my name is Hong Low, I am from Hemp Farms, we are a natural herbs and supplement manufacturer here in South Korea and we are interested in purchasing your products for import to South Korea. Do you have a distributor here in South Korea? What is your minimum order requirement and payment terms?

Thank you for your time and I hope we can have a fruitful and prosperous business relationship.

If you are a seller:
It’s the same format as the buyer’s intro letter except for #2, that would be what you sell as opposed to what you want to buy.

1. Intro, name and company.
2. Products that you offer.
3. Information.
4. Closing.

판매자의 경우:
판매자의 intro letter도 앞에서 설명한 구매자의 intro letter와 2번째 항목을 빼고는 동일한 형식입니다.
1. 이름과 회사명
2. 판매하는 제품
3. 판매자나 유통업자가 이미 있는지, 최소 구매수량, 대금지급방법은 무엇인지 등에 대한 정보
4. 끝맺음말

Hello my name is Rod Long from Irie manufacturing, we are a supplier and exporter of natural herbs and supplements with farms all over the world. We offer the latest technologies when it comes to manufacturing herbs and supplements. Our minimum order is 100kg and 1,000kgs/year. You must have a pharmaceutical license in your country and we do not incur any costs in doing so.

I hope we can have a prosperous and long business relationship.

We will now do the telephone conversation we practiced in class in its entirety. During class I broke it up for you for the sake of simplicity.

수업시간의 연습을 하였던 짧은 전화 대화를 듣도록 하겠습니다.

J: Thank you for calling Irie manufacturing, this is Ziggy speaking, how may I direct your call?
E: May I have the international sales department please.
J: One moment please, I’ll put you right through.
J: Hello, this is Rod speaking, how may I help you?
E: Yes, I’m interested in purchasing your products. Do you have a distributor in South Korea?
J: No, we don’t.
E: Then what is your minimum order requirement and payment terms?
J: Our minimum is 5,000 units.
E: And your payment terms?
J: LC or TT.
E: I would like a quote on 5,000 pieces of love seats.
J: It’s $275 per unit.
E: Do you offer quantity discounts?
J: I’m sorry our prices are set.
E: What if we order 10,000 pieces?
J: Let me talk to manager and see what he says, will you hold please?
E: OK.
J: Good news, we can offer a 2% quantity discount on orders of over 15,000 pieces.
E: OK, we’ll do it. But can we have a prepaid discount?
J: If we offer a prepaid discount will you buy 15,000 units today.
E: Yes.
J: OK, I’ll prepare the proforma for you with a 0.25% prepaid discount..
E: Thank you.

As you can see, we did this from start to finish from the reception to close of the deal. Next week we will do a lot more practicing of consummation of a deal from start to finish.
지금까지 거래의 시작부터 끝까지의 과정을 살펴보았습니다. 다음주에는 지금까지 배운 내용을 바탕으로 연습을 하도록 하겠습니다.

Now, let´s do something fun. How to get yourself out of trouble. Remember this is to be used only in emergencies and 119 situations. Think of it as a bullet. In a gun you only have so many bullets, so use sparingly.
재밌는 것을 해보도록 하죠. How to get yourself out of trouble. 곤란한 상황에서 어떻게 벗어날까?인데요. 이것은 119 위급상황에만 사용된다는 점을 염두에 두시구요.

J: Hey, why were you late for the meeting?
E: I’m sorry, I had a lunch meeting with a client. Don’t you remember I told you?
J: No, I don’t remember.
E: You know the Kim account?
J: Yes.
E: You told me to keep them happy, right?
J: Yes.
E: You want them to stay with us and order from us again, isn’t that correct?
J: Yes.
E: That’s why I met him for lunch and he may possibly place a new order. Isn’t that what you want?
J: Yes. But you missed a very important meeting.
E: I can be briefed on the meeting, can’t I?
J: Yes.
E: But I can’t meet an important account anytime, isn’t that correct?
J: Yes.
E: Once again, I’m sorry I was late for the meeting, but I had to meet with the Kim account.
J: OK, don’t do it again and next time let me know before you meet a client.
E: Yes, sir.

As you can see, we used the Socratic method. This is based on Socrates teaching style, where you ask the student the questions until they see the answer to their own questions. Remember to ask the questions in a logical, step by step method. One tip Always say I told you. Because your boss will claim you never did, and you can always reply with You never remember what I say and you have planted the seed of doubt into his mind. With the seed of doubt planted in your boss´s mind he or she will be ripe for the picking.
소크라테스식의 문답법을 이용한 것인데요. 소크라테스는 자기 제자들을 가르칠 때, 질문을 하고, 제자들이 자신들의 답에서 문제의 해답을 찾도록 했다고 합니다. 상대방에게 질문을 할 때에는 논리적으로 차근차근 접근해야 합니다. 한 가지 팁은 I told you.라고 말하는 것입니다. 왜냐하면, 상사가 들은 적이 없다고 하면, 여러분은 ‘You never remember what I say.’ 라고 대꾸함으로써 헷갈리게 만드는 거죠.

Business tip of the week. When you don´t know the answer.
If you don´t know the answer to a questions, please don´t try to invent or make up answers. Many people think this makes them look or sound more intelligent, but it actually make you sound like an idiot. People will become dumbfounded, because they will say what´s the price of tea in China got to do with my questions. Please say the following – I don´t know, I´ll find out for you or Let me get the answer for you, one moment please.
이번주의 Business tip은 when you don’t know the answer.
질문에 대한 적절한 답변을 모를 때, 아는 것처럼 뭔가 대답하려고 하지 마시라는 것입니다. 많은 사람들이 모른다는 대답을 하기를 꺼려하는데요. 질문에 대한 엉뚱한 답을 하는 것보다는 다음과 같이 대답을 하시기를 바랍니다. I don’t know. I’ll find out for you. 또는 Lem me get the answer for you, one moment, please.


Anonymous said...

끝에 두개 dialog, Joon 목소리 웃겨요~
특히 seller역

Anonymous said...

The people of South Korea would despise George W. Bush.

Bush is a raging racist.

Bush committed hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism (indicated in my blog).

And I do solemnly swear by Almighty God that Bush committed other hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism which I am not at liberty to mention.

Many people know what Bush did.

And many people will know what Bush did—even to the end of the world.

Bush was absolute evil.

Bush is now like a fugitive from justice.

Bush is a psychological prisoner.

In any case, Bush will go down in history in infamy.

Respectfully Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang, J.D. Candidate
B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA, 1993

(I can type 90 words per minute. In only 7 days, posts basically like this post of mine have come into existence—all over the Internet (hundreds of copies). One can go to Google right now, type “George W. Bush committed hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism,” hit “Enter,” and find more than 550 copies indicating the content of this post. All in all, there are probably more than 2,000 copies on the Internet indicating the content of this post—it has, in a way, become headline news. One cannot be too dedicated when it comes to anti-Bush activities. As I looked back at my good computer work, I thought how fun and easy it was to do it.)

I am not sure where I had read it before, but anyway, it goes kind of like this: “If only it were possible to ban invention that bottled up memories so they never got stale and faded.” Oh wait—off the top of my head—I think it came from my Lower Merion High School yearbook.